How did becoming a conscious leader change my life?

I started out idealistic, but became frustrated, burned out, and cynical of the work world until I realized there is another way. I started to work from within, expanding my self-awareness, and my insights of myself and others. It was then that my power emerged, and my reality started to shift.

Ginny Clarke is a world-renowned conscious leadership expert,

sought-after speaker, author, instructor and advisor who helps organizations based on conscious choices and personal accountability. 

Her approach to leadership is rooted in the Five Dimensions Of Conscious Leadership, which encourages leaders to deepen their self-awareness, speak their truth, inspire love,  expand their consciousness and activate their mastery.

Ginny's focus on personal accountability and self-awareness empowers people to become radically accountable, creating a space for healthy, authentic leadership that inspires and transforms individuals and organizations.

She has over 30 years of experience in executive recruiting, talent management and commercial real estate. She has held leadership roles at Google and Spencer Stuart where she recruited senior leaders across sectors and functions and specialized in diversity and internal mobility.

Ginny is the author of Career Mapping: Charting Your Course in the New World of Work and hosts the Fifth Dimensional Leadership podcast. She holds an MBA from Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management and a BA in French and Linguistics from the University of California at Davis. 

Through self-reflection, Ginny teaches people to demonstrate empathy, honor their competencies and those of others, and drive positive change and growth within their organizations.

Conscious leadership is about leading from the soul, not the ego, and fostering unity instead of division. It involves tapping into intuition as well as logic, and prioritizing the well-being of individuals and organizations. In times of change, exceptional leaders embrace these hallmarks of conscious leadership to guide their teams towards success and fulfillment.

The Five Dimensions Of Leadership

Know Your Self:

Gain a deep understanding of your unique talents and growth areas. Embrace your power and strengths to lead with intention and purpose.

Speak Your Truth:

Connect with your inner voice and communicate authentically with intention. Align your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions to create positive impact.

Inspire Love:

Extend grace and kindness to those in need, building healthy and lasting relationships. Embrace the call to inspire love and lead with compassion.

Expand Your Consciousness:

Embrace every opportunity to evolve and deepen your understanding of the world. Broaden your consciousness to become a more effective and conscious leader.

Activate Your Mastery:

Honor your talents and gifts by developing mastery and activating your leadership potential. The time is now to lead with what you have and create positive change.